Event Details

The 'Muslim-Owned Establishment (MOE)' certificate is an alternative to obtaining the Halal certificate from MUIS for businesses owned by a majority of Muslims. This certification will further reassure and boost the confidence of potential new customers to dine at your establishment/purchase your food products.
The certification process will be in the form of a blended learning approach, combining both 1) 1-Hour Online Learning (completion required before the online training) and 2) 1-Hour Online Training (with facilitator via video conference).
Kindly read below for further details:
1) 1-hour Online learning
Participants will have access to mobile content which will provide knowledge on Halal food requirements, religious rulings and Halal issues in food products and menus. The mobile content should be completed before attending the online training.
2) 1-Hour Online Training
The webinar (conducted via Zoom) aims to provide skills of discerning the Halal issues of food products. Participants will learn to verify the Halal status of food products. The online training also provides the opportunity to instil the appropriate attitude through discussion on case studies provided.
Eligibility requirements
To be eligible for the certification, the F & B establishment 1) MUST be a member of SMCCI, 2) MUST be owned by at least 2/3 Muslims, 3) is ACRA registered and 4) has an SFA license.
If you are not a SMCCI member yet (at the time of registration) applying for the MOE certification, please refer below for the fees:
$180 (SMCCI membership) + $170 (MOE training, cert & decal) + $25 (Admin fee) + GST = $401.25
Register your interest now!
Kindly note that you should not make an upfront payment first. The SMCCI Capability Development team will be in contact with you within 2 working days to follow-up on your interest registration and verify the required documents. Upon successful application, an invitation link to access the mobile learning content and online training will be sent to you.